Natural World Eco


Natural World Eco is a beacon of sustainability and ethical fashion in the footwear industry. With a solid commitment to environmental preservation, this Spanish brand has carved out a niche by offering an extensive range of eco-friendly and vegan shoes for men, women, and children. Each product is a testament to the brand's dedication to reducing its ecological footprint, utilizing natural and recycled materials to craft stylish yet comfortable footwear.

Natural World Eco's product line is diverse, from casual sneakers and elegant flats to sturdy boots and airy sandals, all designed with the planet in mind. Using organic cotton, natural rubber, and recycled components minimises environmental impact and ensures product durability and foot comfort. This thoughtful approach to fashion appeals to a broad audience, including eco-conscious consumers, vegans, and anyone looking to make more sustainable lifestyle choices.

Available Data Types

Available Regions


Dataset Price Contact Us (Depends On Order Frequency)
Website Name Natural World Eco
Website URL URL
Data Category E-Commerce
Data Type Basic Product Information And Prices
Data Country Spain
Data Language Spanish
Dataset Version 1.0.0
Dataset Creation Date 2024-01-25
Dataset Status ACTIVE
Dataset Update Rate ON DEMAND

Data Structure

The dataset consists of multiple columns, each of which contains specific attributes of a record. Below is a brief overview of the fields:

Field Description Example
website_name Name of the website Natural World Eco
competence_date Date on which data was collected
(format YYYY-MM-DD)
brand Brand of the product Natural World Eco
product_code Product ID based on HTML code 35606
country_code Country code (ISO3) ESP
currency_code Currency code (ISO3) EUR
full_price_in_local_currency Full price in selected currency before any visible product-level discount 52.95
discounted_price_in_local_currency Discounted price in the selected currency, after any visible product-level discount 52.95
category_1 Level 1 of category (based breadcrumb) HOMBRE
category_2 Level 2 of category (based breadcrumb) ZAPATILLAS NÁUTICAS
category_3 Lack of categories at level 3
product_title Product title with color name Old Giancito Naranja
product_image_url URL of the image of the product URL
product_page_url Product page URL URL

Sample Datasets

Sample datasets in various formats have been provided to offer a preliminary insight into the nature of the data. These samples include data for 10 randomly selected products codes:

Data Statistics

To obtain precise and current statistics, don't hesitate to contact us.

General Statistics (based data from 2024-02-19)
Parameter Value
Number of Records 3551
Number of Products Codes 345
Number of Brands 1
Number of Categories 1 7
Number of Categories 2 20
Number of Categories 3 0
Number of Products Codes by Categories 1 (based data from 2024-02-19)
Category Name Count
NIÑA <20